私について/About me
山本 岬
Misaki Yamamoto
Born in 1996, lives in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan.
Shoots the four seasons of the Seto Inland Sea and the sunlight filtering through the trees.
写真展/photo exhibition
2015 9/9〜11 ナツノトリコ(香川県)
2016 11/28〜12/4 君と、私のまち展。(関西)
2017 8/4〜6 ひだまり展(香川県)
2019 7/21〜29 「夢遊」(香川県)
2020 2/19〜21 「ECRU」Museum Of Your History(香川県)
2015 9/9-11 Natsu no Toriko (Kagawa Prefecture)
2016 11/28〜12/4 You and my town exhibition. (Kansai)
2017 8/4〜6 Hidamari Exhibition (Kagawa)
2019 7/21-29 "Sleeping" (Kagawa Prefecture)
2020 2/19-21 "ECRU" Museum Of Your History (Kagawa)